A simple feature of the 77 community area boundaries in Chicago that can only be used with the sf package.



A simple feature (which is either data.frame or tibble) with a geometry list-column with 77 observations on the following 3 variables:


the name of each community area


the area number for each community(identical to area_num_1)


a list that contains the dimensions and the simple feature geometry type


The following is sf installation advice from Matt Herman:

Depending on your operating system and available libraries, sf can be tricky to install the first time. The sf website is a good place to start if you're having trouble. If you're using macOS, this is a good guide to installing the required libraries.


This data frame comes from the City of Chicago Data Portal, Boundaries - Community Areas (current). The file was last updated on December 18, 2018.


sf documentation has helpful information on how to work with sf objects.

See also


# load necessary packages ---- library(sf) # load necessary data ---- data("community_areas_sf") # plot all 77 community areas ----- par(mar = c(0, 0, 1, 0)) plot(community_areas_sf$geometry , main = "Chicago's 77 community areas" , col = "gray85" , border = "dodgerblue4")