Working with spatial elements is what got me interested in learning R in the first place. But I must admit, it was very overwhelming at first.
What follows is a walkthrough that goes over the key spatial elements needed to understand how to conduct an introductory-level of spatial analysis in R.
To follow the tutorial, you’ll need to install the following packages installed:
: data manipulation.
: set of operators which make your code more readable.
: provide a minimal and easy tool for rendering R objects into Pandoc’s markdown.
: classes and methods for spatial data.
: spatial and space-time point pattern analysis.
: Primarily used to create spatial data frames, using the Geospatial Data Abstraction Library.
install.packages( c( "dplyr", "magrittr", "pander"
, "sp", "splancs", "rgdal"
Polygons on a map represent natural or artificial borders used to mark on space apart from another. In Chicago, a common series of polygons are the 77 current community areas (CCAs) that make up the entire city.
Image Courtesy of Wiki Media Commons
The data for this tutorial comes from the City of Chicago’s Open Data Portal:
City of Chicago’s open data portal is a lets you find city data, find facts about your neighborhood, lets you create maps and graphs about the city, and lets you freely download the data for your own analysis. Many of these data sets are updated at least once a day, and many of them updated several times a day.
Image courtesy of the City of Chicago
Image courtesy of the City of Chicago
Image courtesy of the City of Chicago
Boiled down, these are the general steps to importing:
Find polygon source, such as City of Chicago’s current community area (cca) boundaries
Export that source as a GeoJSON file - a java-based format that condenses the size of geographic information - by copying the link location. With the City’s data portal, go to “Export”, then hover the mouse under “GeoJSON”. Right-click and click on the phrase “Copy Link Location”.
Save the copied link as a character vector in R
Use the rgdal::readOGR()
function to call that vector and transform it into a spatial data frame.
The same steps apply when importing a .CSV file into R, expect substituting rgdal::readOGR()
for read.csv()
See below for what this looks like in R.
# import necessary packages
library( sp )
library( rgdal )
# store Chicago current community area
# GeoJSON URL as a character vector
geojson_comarea_url <- ""
# transform URL character vector into spatial dataframe
comarea606 <- readOGR( dsn = geojson_comarea_url
, layer = "OGRGeoJSON"
, stringsAsFactors = FALSE
, verbose = FALSE # to hide progress message after object is created
## Warning in normalizePath(dsn): path[1]="
## api/geospatial/cauq-8yn6?method=export&format=GeoJSON": No such file or
## directory
## Warning in normalizePath(dsn): path[1]="
## api/geospatial/cauq-8yn6?method=export&format=GeoJSON": No such file or
## directory
## Warning in normalizePath(dsn): path[1]="
## api/geospatial/cauq-8yn6?method=export&format=GeoJSON": No such file or
## directory
## Warning in normalizePath(dsn): path[1]="
## api/geospatial/cauq-8yn6?method=export&format=GeoJSON": No such file or
## directory
## Warning in normalizePath(dsn): path[1]="
## api/geospatial/cauq-8yn6?method=export&format=GeoJSON": No such file or
## directory
Spatial polygon data frames contain a lot of information stored in slots
. In particular, the object comarea606
contains the following slots:
library( dplyr )
library( magrittr )
library( pander )
methods::slotNames( x = comarea606 )
## [1] "data" "polygons" "plotOrder" "bbox" "proj4string"
: a data frame object that contains high-level information for each polygon, where each row represents one of the polygons. Can be accessed using both comarea@data
or methods::slot( object = comarea606, name = "data" )
.slot( object = comarea606, name = "data" ) %>%
head() %>% # look at the first six rows
pander( digit = 7
, caption = "Examining the 'data' slot within comarea606"
community | area | shape_area | perimeter | area_num_1 | |
0 | DOUGLAS | 0 | 46004621.1581 | 0 | 35 |
1 | OAKLAND | 0 | 16913961.0408 | 0 | 36 |
2 | FULLER PARK | 0 | 19916704.8692 | 0 | 37 |
3 | GRAND BOULEVARD | 0 | 48492503.1554 | 0 | 38 |
4 | KENWOOD | 0 | 29071741.9283 | 0 | 39 |
5 | LINCOLN SQUARE | 0 | 71352328.2399 | 0 | 4 |
area_numbe | comarea_id | comarea | shape_len | |
0 | 35 | 0 | 0 | 31027.0545098 |
1 | 36 | 0 | 0 | 19565.5061533 |
2 | 37 | 0 | 0 | 25339.0897503 |
3 | 38 | 0 | 0 | 28196.8371573 |
4 | 39 | 0 | 0 | 23325.1679062 |
5 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 36624.6030848 |
: contains more slots related to each individual polygon. For more information, please see ?sp::Polygon-class
, ?sp::SpatialPolygons
, and the Getting a slot’s value of S4 objects? thread.
: Returns a numeric vector of length two, containing the coordinate pair of the geometric center (also known as the centroid) of the individual Polygon.area
: Not a reliable source of the area of the individual Polygon. To obtain that information, rgeos::gArea()
for layers with projected coordinate reference systems or geosphere::areaPolygon()
for those in lat-long coordinate reference systems (i.e. CRS(+proj=longlat)
: logical value for setting polygon as hole or not.ringDir
: Object of class “integer”; the ring direction of the ring (polygon) coordinates, holes are expected to be anti-clockwise.coords
: Object of class “matrix”; coordinates of the polygon; first point should equal the last point.plotOrder
: Object of class “integer”; order in which the Polygon objects should be plotted.labpt
: Returns a numeric vector of length two, containing the coordinate pair of the geometric center (also known as the centroid) of the individual Polygon. Please note that slot( object = slot( object = comarea606, name = "polygons")[[1]], name = "labpt" )
, comarea606@polygons[[1]]@labpt
, slot( object = slot( object = slot( object = comarea606, name = "polygons")[[1]], name = "Polygons" )[[1]], name = "labpt" )
, and comarea606@polygons[[1]]@Polygons[[1]]@labpt
are different commands which all return the exact same values.ID
: Object of class “character”; unique identifier string.area
: Not a reliable source of the area of the individual Polygon. To obtain that information, rgeos::gArea()
for layers with projected coordinate reference systems or geosphere::areaPolygon()
for those in lat-long coordinate reference systems (i.e. CRS(+proj=longlat)
: Object of class “integer”; order in which the Polygon objects should be plotted.
: 2-column bounding box matrix holding the minimum in first and maximum in second column for the x-coordinate (first row), y-coordinate (second row).
: Object of class CRS
; holding a valid proj4 string, which can be used for unprojecting or reprojecting coordinates.
Jeffrey Evans’ comprehensive answer to better understand the properties and operators of spatial data.
Points on a map represent longitudinal and latitudinal coordinates, a unique pair that specifies an address.
Image Courtesy of Google Maps
I often use if I need geocode one or two addresses. For larger queries, I use the geocode
function within the ggmap
The geocode
function only asks for a full address - typically, street number, street address, city, state, and zip code - gives you back longitude and latitude pairs.
However, ggmap
is not the only package around. To learn more, please see the article Geocoding in R written by Claudia A. Engel.
To explore points, we will be using Chicago Public Schools - School Profile Information SY1617 data from the City’s data portal.
Using the exact same steps as when we imported polygon data into R is how you will import point data as well.
# store cps school data for SY1617 URL
# as a character vector
cps.sy1617.url <- ""
# transform URL into a data frame using the base `read.csv` function
cps.sy1617 <- read.csv( file = cps.sy1617.url
, header = TRUE
, stringsAsFactors = FALSE
Now that you’ve acquired the two, time to plot!
New to colors? Briefly, R’s color arguments - col
, bg
, border
- can take in a variety of colors:
Personal favorite website is for their friendly immersion into the world of color.
# clear margin space
par( mar = c( 2, 0, 2, 0 )
, bg = "#06369D" # cps blue
# plot the polygons
plot( comarea606
, main = "Chicago Public School (CPS) Locations, 2016-2017 School Year"
, col.main = "#F0F3F4"
, col = "#06369D" # cps blue
, border = "#F0F3F4"
# add the points
points( x = cps.sy1617$School_Longitude
, y = cps.sy1617$School_Latitude
, col = rgb( red = 249
, green = 245
, blue = 97
, alpha = 100 # add some transparency
, maxColorValue = 255
) # bright yellow
, pch = 20 # for more information on point type, look at ?par
# add legend
legend( x = "left"
, pt.cex = 2
, text.col = "#F0F3F4"
, legend = "CPS Schools"
, pch = 20
, col = rgb( red = 249
, green = 245
, blue = 97
, alpha = 100 # add some transparency
, maxColorValue = 255
) # bright yellow
, bty = "n"
# add data source
mtext( side = 1
, adj = 0.99
, line = 1
, cex = 0.75
, text = "Source: Chicago Public Schools - School Profile Information SY1617"
, col = "#F0F3F4"
Can you identify which points (Chicago Public Schools) reside in which particular polygon (current community area)?
After reading the R Filter Coordinates post on Stack Overflow, the following demonstrates one way to label points inside polygons.
Create the GetPolygonBoundaries()
function to access and store the boundaries of each polygon within the spatial data frame. Each boundary is a set of coordinate pairs.
creates each matrix in order of each polygon’s appearance in slot( comarea606, "data")
, ensuring proper oder when using comarea606$community
to label each matrix its corresponding community area name.
# start of GetPolygonBoundaries() function
GetPolygonBoundaries <- function( a.spatial.df
, polygon.boundary.names
, label.polygon.boundaries = TRUE
) {
# ensure `sp` package in loaded
require( sp )
# ensure input is correct class
# prior to obtaining polygon boundary coordinates
if( class( a.spatial.df )[1] == "SpatialPolygonsDataFrame" ){
list.of.polygon.boundaries <- sapply( X = slot( object = a.spatial.df
, name = "polygons"
, FUN = function(i) sp::coordinates( obj = slot( object = i, name = "Polygons")[[1]] )
} else{
stop( "a.spatial.df is of class "
, class( a.spatial.df )[1]
, ". "
, "Please ensure it is of class SpatialPolygonsDataFrame. See ?sp::`SpatialPolygonsDataFrame-class` or the following documentation page for more help:"
# assign names to the list.of.polygon.boundaries
# if label.polygon.boundaries is set to TRUE (default)
if( label.polygon.boundaries == TRUE ){
names( list.of.polygon.boundaries ) <-
as.character( x = polygon.boundary.names )
# return list.of.polygon.boundaries to the Global Environment
return( list.of.polygon.boundaries )
} # end of GetPolygonBoundaries() function
# use GetPolygonBoundaries()
comarea606.polygons <- GetPolygonBoundaries( a.spatial.df = comarea606
, polygon.boundary.names = comarea606$community
Now to put it all together with a function that contains three arguments:
: A vector of logitudinal points
: A vector of latitudinal points
: A list of coordinates pairs marking the boundaries for every polygon within a spatial data frame
and returns a character vector of the the name of the polygon individual points reside in.
The function has been updated to account for data frames which contain some latitude and longitude coordinates that not exist in any polygons. The CPS data frame was a lucky pick in the sense that every polygon contained at least one coordinate pair.
The splancs::inpip()
function returns a vector of indices of the points in pts
which are located within the polygon in poly
. The logical test here is to see which rows within the
data frame are within the vector of indices being returned by splancs::inpip()
# import necessary packages
suppressPackageStartupMessages( library( splancs ) )
# create LabelPointsWithinPolygons() function
LabelPointsWithinPolygons <- function( Long
, Lat
, list.of.polygon.boundaries ) {
# 1. Ensure necessary packages are imported and
# ensure that the names( list.of.polygon.boundaries ) is not null
require( splancs )
if( is.null( names( list.of.polygon.boundaries ) ) ){
stop( "No names have been assigned to the matrices within the object list.of.polygon.boundaries. Please assign the matrices within that list a set of character names.")
# 2. Create 'polygon.label' vector
# and assign it a value of NA. This variable will be used to
# identify which coordinate pairs exist within which particular
# polygons from a.spatial.df
if( identical( x = length( Long ), y = length( Lat ) ) ){
polygon.label <- rep( x = NA, times = length( Long ) )
} else{
stop( "Length of Long is"
, length( Long)
, "but the length of Lat is", length( Lat )
, ". Ensure the two are of equivalent lengths prior to executing the LabelPointsWithinPolygons() function."
} # end of else statement
# 3. Start your counter
i <- 1
# 4. Start your while loop
while( length( list.of.polygon.boundaries ) >= i ) {
# 5. Create a coordinate pair data frame
# and ensure Long and Lat are both cast as numeric <- data.frame( Long = as.numeric( Long )
, Lat = as.numeric( Lat )
, stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# 6. Rename the columns within
# rename "Long" as "x"
# and rename "Lat" as "y"
colnames( ) <- c("x", "y")
# 7. Test which coordinate pairs from
# reside within the ith polygon
# inside of list.of.polygon.boundaries.
# Note: I'm choosing to set bound=FALSE,
# declaring points which fall exactly on polygon boundaries
# will not be assigned to any polygon.
# Note: I'm building in an edge case where one of the coordinate pairs
# are NA values.
if( any($x ) |$y ) ) ){
# create filter condition
filter.condition <- which( !$x ) & !$y ) )
# conduct test only on those Non NA coordinate pairs <-
1:nrow([ filter.condition, ] ) %in%
inpip( pts =[ filter.condition, ]
, poly = list.of.polygon.boundaries[[i]]
, bound = FALSE
# place NA values in $in.polygon$in.polygon <- NA
# replace$in.polygon values
# with
# for those rows that meet the filter.condition$in.polygon[ filter.condition ] <-
} else{$in.polygon <-
1:nrow( ) %in%
inpip( pts =
, poly = list.of.polygon.boundaries[[i]]
, bound = FALSE
} # end of else statement
# 8. Logical test: Does at least one coordinate pairs reside within
# this particular polygon (i.e. list.of.polygon.boundaries[[i]])?
# is
if( any($in.polygon , na.rm = TRUE ) ) {
# filter to only include these pairs which
# contain a TRUE value in their $in.polygon column. <-[ which($in.polygon == TRUE ), ]
# 9. Two step process:
# * filter polygon.label by including only those elements
# whose Long values appear in$x
# whose Lat values appear in$y
# * for these filtered elements, replace their NA values
# with the name of list.of.polygon.boundaries[i]
which( Long %in%$x &
Lat %in%$y
] <- names( list.of.polygon.boundaries )[i]
# 10. Move onto the next list.of.polygon.boundaries[[i]] element
i <- i + 1
} else{
# 11. since every coordinate pair within
# does not reside within this particular polygon,
# add one to counter
# and move onto the the next polygon
# within list.of.polygon.boundaries[[i]]
i <- i + 1
} # end of else statement
} # end of while loop
# 12. return polygon.label
# to the Global Environment
return( polygon.label )
} # end of LabelPointsWithinPolygons() function
# Use the `LabelPointsWithinPolygons()` function
cps.sy1617$Community_Area <- LabelPointsWithinPolygons( Long = cps.sy1617$School_Longitude
, Lat = cps.sy1617$School_Latitude
, list.of.polygon.boundaries = comarea606.polygons
# peak inside the data frame AFTER the transformation
cps.sy1617 %>% # call df
select( Short_Name
, School_Longitude
, School_Latitude
, Community_Area ) %>%
head() %>%
pander( digit = 7
, caption = "Sample of Chicago Public Schools - School Profile Information SY1617"
Short_Name | School_Longitude | School_Latitude | Community_Area |
SAYRE | -87.79872 | 41.91415 | AUSTIN |
MCNAIR | -87.74673 | 41.89782 | AUSTIN |
HOLDEN | -87.65379 | 41.83803 | BRIDGEPORT |
ACERO - ZIZUMBO | -87.7305 | 41.81014 | ARCHER HEIGHTS |
MURPHY | -87.71683 | 41.95008 | IRVING PARK |
BATEMAN | -87.70215 | 41.95822 | IRVING PARK |
Fortunately for us, the accuracy of the LabelPointsWithinPolygons()
function can be tested thanks to the City of Chicago data portal.
Chicago Public Schools - School Locations SY1617 is a data set which hosts geographical boundary data for each CPS school for the 2016-2017 school year. Of the 15 columns it contains, the column COMMAREA
marks the current community area each particular school resides in within the city.
Unfortunately, schools close more frequently than anyone would like to imagine. Chicago Public Schools - School Locations SY1617 was updated on August 31, 2016. It contains 670 records for 670 schools which were presumably open at the time of the update.
On the other hand, Chicago Public Schools - School Profile Information SY1617 was updated on September 20, 2017. It contains 661 records for 661 schools which were presumably open at the time of the update.
For the accuracy of the LabelPointsWithinPolygons()
function, I will exclude those 9 schools which are not present in the more recent data set. I will also check and exclude any new schools which are not present in the older data set.
# import CPS SY1617 location data
cps.sy1617.location.url <- ""
# transform into a data frame using base 'read.csv()'
cps.sy1617.location <- read.csv( file = cps.sy1617.location.url
, header = TRUE
, stringsAsFactors = FALSE
# test which school's appear in both data sets
# by seeing which School_IDs match in the other
cps.sy1617.location$ <- ifelse( test = cps.sy1617.location$School_ID %in% cps.sy1617$School_ID
, yes = TRUE
, no = FALSE
# repeat for the newer data set
cps.sy1617$ <- ifelse( test = cps.sy1617$School_ID %in% cps.sy1617.location$School_ID
, yes = TRUE
, no = FALSE
# include those schools which contain a TRUE value in their $ column
cps.sy1617.location <- cps.sy1617.location[ which(
cps.sy1617.location$ == TRUE
), ]
# repeat for the newer data set
cps.sy1617 <- cps.sy1617[ which(
cps.sy1617$ == TRUE
), ]
# re order each data set so that records appear in ascending order by School_ID
cps.sy1617.location <- cps.sy1617.location[
order( cps.sy1617.location$School_ID )
, ]
cps.sy1617 <- cps.sy1617[ order( cps.sy1617$School_ID ) , ]
# ensure row.names are correct
row.names( cps.sy1617.location ) <- as.character( 1:nrow( cps.sy1617.location ) )
row.names( cps.sy1617 ) <- as.character( 1:nrow( cps.sy1617 ) )
# add update_date columns
cps.sy1617.location$update_date <- as.Date( x = "2016-08-31" )
cps.sy1617$update_date <- as.Date( x = "2017-09-20" )
# display a few rows and columns from older data set
cps.sy1617.location %>%
select( update_date
, Short_Name
, School_ID
, COMMAREA ) %>%
head() %>%
pander( digits = 6
, caption = "Sample of CPS Locations SY1617 - August 31, 2016")
update_date | Short_Name | School_ID | COMMAREA |
2016-08-31 | ACE TECH HS | 400010 | WASHINGTON PARK |
2016-08-31 | LOCKE A | 400011 | EAST GARFIELD PARK |
2016-08-31 | ASPIRA - EARLY COLLEGE HS | 400013 | AVONDALE |
2016-08-31 | ASPIRA - HAUGAN | 400017 | ALBANY PARK |
2016-08-31 | CATALYST - CIRCLE ROCK | 400021 | AUSTIN |
# display a few rows and columns from newer data set
cps.sy1617 %>% # call df
select( update_date
, Short_Name
, School_ID
, Community_Area ) %>%
head() %>%
pander( digits = 6
, caption = "Sample of CPS Locations SY1617 - September 20, 2017")
update_date | Short_Name | School_ID | Community_Area |
2017-09-20 | ACE TECH HS | 400010 | WASHINGTON PARK |
2017-09-20 | LOCKE A | 400011 | EAST GARFIELD PARK |
2017-09-20 | ASPIRA - EARLY COLLEGE HS | 400013 | AVONDALE |
2017-09-20 | ASPIRA - HAUGAN | 400017 | ALBANY PARK |
2017-09-20 | CATALYST - CIRCLE ROCK | 400021 | AUSTIN |
To test the unique current community area objects for exact equality, I’ll be using the identical()
function. To my knowledge, there are no spelling mistakes in either data set. It is also important to note that both sets of current community area values are upper case.
identical( x = sort( unique( cps.sy1617$Community_Area ) )
, y = sort( unique( cps.sy1617.location$COMMAREA ) )
## [1] TRUE
The TRUE value lets us know that spelling will not be cause of any mismatches.
Continuing to use the identifical()
function, we now put LabelPointsWithinPolygons()
to the test.
identical( x = cps.sy1617.location$COMMAREA
, y = cps.sy1617$Community_Area
## [1] FALSE
Why did the identical()
test fail? Which schools were non-matches? Why were they non-matches? What went wrong with LabelPointsWithinPolygons()
# store School_IDs of those CPS schools
# which did not share the same Community Area value as that in the other data set
non.identical <- cps.sy1617.location$School_ID[
which( cps.sy1617.location$COMMAREA != cps.sy1617$Community_Area )
# display non identical Community Area values from older data set
cps.sy1617.location %>% # call df
filter( School_ID %in% non.identical ) %>%
select( update_date
, Short_Name
, School_ID
, Address
, Long
, Lat
) %>%
pander( digits = 7
, caption = "CPS Schools with Non-match Community Areas - August 31, 2016")
update_date | Short_Name | School_ID | COMMAREA |
2016-08-31 | LEARN - EXCEL | 400048 | EAST GARFIELD PARK |
2016-08-31 | CAMELOT - EXCEL SOUTH SHORE HS | 400175 | WOODLAWN |
Address | Long | Lat |
3021 W CARROLL AVE | -87.70207 | 41.88732 |
7530 S SOUTH SHORE DR | -87.55649 | 41.75975 |
7014 S WASHTENAW AVE | -87.69073 | 41.76593 |
# display non identical Community Area values from newer data set
cps.sy1617 %>%
filter( School_ID %in% non.identical ) %>% # Only include those School_IDs which appear in the non.identical vector
select( update_date
, Short_Name
, School_ID
, Community_Area
, Address
, School_Longitude
, School_Latitude
) %>%
pander( digits = 7
, caption = "CPS Schools with Non-match Community Areas - September 20, 2017")
update_date | Short_Name | School_ID | Community_Area |
2017-09-20 | LEARN - EXCEL | 400048 | NEAR WEST SIDE |
Address | School_Longitude | School_Latitude |
3021 W CARROLL AVE | -87.68657 | 41.87469 |
7530 S SOUTH SHORE DR | -87.55649 | 41.75975 |
7014 S WASHTENAW AVE | -87.69073 | 41.76593 |
As you see, we have 3 non-matches between the two CPS data sets. To investigate, I did a Google Maps search of each address and cross-validated it manually using the web-version of Chicago’s community area boundaries.
For the L.E.A.R.N. - Excel Campus, the non-match was a result of incorrect coordinate pairs from the newer data set, Chicago Public Schools - School Profile Information SY1617.
A quick Google Maps search for 3021 West Carroll Avenue, Chicago, IL results in a longitude of -87.7062419 and a latitude of 41.8868172, showing this address to reside within the East Garfield Park community area.
However, the coordinate pair given was a longitude of -87.68657 and a latitude of 41.87469.
For the Chicago Excel Academy of South Shore, the non-match was a result of incorrect assignment of current community area from the older data set, Chicago Public Schools - School Locations SY1617.
A quick Google Maps search for 7530 S. South Shore Drive Chicago, IL. 60649 results in a longitude of -87.7062419 and a latitude of 41.7605135, show this address to reside within the South Shore community area.
Both the older and newer data sets contained a longitude value of -87.55649 and a latitude value 41.75975. The IdentifyCommunityAreas()
properly assigned the coordinate pair as South Shore; while the older dat set incorrectly assigned it as Woodlawn.
For the Chicago Excel Academy of Southwest, the non-match was a result of incorrect assignment of current community area from the older data set, Chicago Public Schools - School Locations SY1617.
A quick Google Maps search for 7014 S. Washtenaw St. Chicago, IL 60629 results in a longitude of -87.6927955, and a latitude of 41.7658013, show this address to reside within the Chicago Lawn community area.
Both the older and newer data sets contained a longitude value of -87.69073 and a latitude value 41.76593. The IdentifyCommunityAreas()
properly assigned the school as residing in Chicago Lawn; while the older dat set incorrectly assigned it as Auburn Gresham.
Let’s revisit the questions I asked when there was not an exact match between the two community area objects:
test fail?
, the testing for exact equality on both community area labels failed due two factors: incorrect coordinate pairs and incorrect comparison data.IdentifyCommunityAreas()
assigned L.E.A.R.N - Excel Campus into the Near West Side community area based on incorrect coordinate pair data, meaning that both the longitude and latitude were not associated with the address of the school. This can be attributed to data entry error on part of the data source: Chicago Public Schools - School Profile Information SY1617. The two other Chicago Excel Academy schools failed due to incorrect community area assignment in comparison data source: Chicago Public Schools - School Locations SY1617.LabelPointsWithinPolygons()
After replacing L.E.A.R.N. - Excel Campus’ incorrect coordinate pair with the correct pair, re-run LabelPointsWithinPolygons()
# replace the current Long data
# for the L.E.A.R.N. - Excel Campus
# with the correct Long data
which( cps.sy1617$Long_Name == "L.E.A.R.N. - Excel Campus" )
] <- -87.7062419
# replace the current Lat data
# for the L.E.A.R.N. - Excel Campus
# with the correct Lat data
which( cps.sy1617$Long_Name == "L.E.A.R.N. - Excel Campus" )
] <- 41.8868172
# Run the `LabelPointsWithinPolygons()` function
cps.sy1617$Community_Area <- LabelPointsWithinPolygons( Long = cps.sy1617$School_Longitude
, Lat = cps.sy1617$School_Latitude
, list.of.polygon.boundaries = comarea606.polygons
# show the correction
cps.sy1617 %>%
filter( cps.sy1617$Long_Name == "L.E.A.R.N. - Excel Campus" ) %>%
select( update_date
, Short_Name
, School_ID
, Community_Area
, Address
, School_Longitude
, School_Latitude
) %>%
pander( digit = 7
, caption = "Correct L.E.A.RN. - Excel Campus Community Area" )
update_date | Short_Name | School_ID | Community_Area |
2017-09-20 | LEARN - EXCEL | 400048 | EAST GARFIELD PARK |
Address | School_Longitude | School_Latitude |
3021 W CARROLL AVE | -87.70624 | 41.88682 |
Plot a new map of CPS schools that only reside in any of the three Community Areas:
# clear margin space
par( mar = c( 2, 0, 2, 0 )
, bg = "#06369D" # cps blue
# plot the polygons
plot( comarea606
, main = "CPS Schools in Selected Community Areas, 2016-2017 School Year"
, col.main = "#F0F3F4"
, col = "#06369D" # cps blue
, border = "#F0F3F4"
# highlight Irving Park
plot( comarea606[ which( comarea606$community == "IRVING PARK") , ]
, col = "#06369D" # cps blue
, border = "#CCFFFF"
, add = TRUE
, lwd = 2
# highlight South Lawndale
plot( comarea606[ which( comarea606$community == "SOUTH LAWNDALE") , ]
, col = "#06369D" # cps blue
, border = "#EC68AC"
, add = TRUE
, lwd = 2
# highlight Washington Heights
plot( comarea606[ which( comarea606$community == "WASHINGTON HEIGHTS") , ]
, col = "#06369D" # cps blue
, border = "#FFFF00"
, add = TRUE
, lwd = 2
# create a legend
legend( "left"
, pt.cex = 2
, legend = c( "CPS Schools"
, "Irving Park"
, "South Lawndale"
, "Washington Heights"
, pch = c(20, 22, 22, 22)
, text.col = "#F0F3F4"
, col = c( rgb( red = 249
, green = 245
, blue = 97
, alpha = 100 # add some transparency
, maxColorValue = 255
) # bright yellow
, "#EC68AC"
, "#FFFF00"
, bty = "n"
# add the points for Irving Park
points( x = cps.sy1617$School_Longitude[ cps.sy1617$Community_Area ==
, y = cps.sy1617$School_Latitude[ cps.sy1617$Community_Area ==
, col = rgb( red = 249
, green = 245
, blue = 97
, alpha = 100
, maxColorValue = 255
, pch = 20
# add the points for South Lawndale
points( x = cps.sy1617$School_Longitude[ cps.sy1617$Community_Area ==
, y = cps.sy1617$School_Latitude[ cps.sy1617$Community_Area ==
, col = rgb( red = 249
, green = 245
, blue = 97
, alpha = 100
, maxColorValue = 255
, pch = 20
# add the points for Washington Heights
points( x = cps.sy1617$School_Longitude[ cps.sy1617$Community_Area ==
, y = cps.sy1617$School_Latitude[ cps.sy1617$Community_Area ==
, col = rgb( red = 249
, green = 245
, blue = 97
, alpha = 100
, maxColorValue = 255
, pch = 20
# add data source
mtext( side = 1
, adj = 0.99
, line = 1
, cex = 0.75
, text = "Source: Chicago Public Schools - School Profile Information SY1617"
, col = "#F0F3F4"
Working with spatial elements in R is an accessible way to showcase data in a context people are already familiar with in their lives. However, as seen through testing the accuracy of the LabelPointsWithinPolygons()
function, no one’s work is safe from data entry error or unchecked assumptions.
No matter how official the data source, always double check essential data - i.e. the longitude and latitude from Chicago Public Schools - School Profile Information SY1617 - that feeds the critical function for your analysis. Despite correctly identifying 659 school’s community areas out of 660, the 1 school that was not found was an excellent example of understanding the limits of data. Assume nothing; double check everything.
Thank you for reading this tutorial. My name is Cristian E. Nuno and I am an aspiring data scientist. To see more of my work, please visit my professional portfolio Urban Data Science.
# Print version information about R, the OS and attached or loaded packages.
## R version 3.4.4 (2018-03-15)
## Platform: x86_64-apple-darwin15.6.0 (64-bit)
## Running under: macOS High Sierra 10.13.2
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.4/Resources/lib/libRblas.0.dylib
## LAPACK: /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.4/Resources/lib/libRlapack.dylib
## locale:
## [1] en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8/C/en_US.UTF-8/en_US.UTF-8
## attached base packages:
## [1] grid stats graphics grDevices utils datasets methods
## [8] base
## other attached packages:
## [1] bindrcpp_0.2 splancs_2.01-40 png_0.1-7 pander_0.6.1
## [5] magrittr_1.5 dplyr_0.7.4 geosphere_1.5-7 rgdal_1.2-18
## [9] raster_2.6-7 maptools_0.9-2 sp_1.2-7
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
## [1] Rcpp_0.12.16 bindr_0.1.1 knitr_1.20 lattice_0.20-35
## [5] R6_2.2.2 rlang_0.2.0 stringr_1.3.0 tools_3.4.4
## [9] htmltools_0.3.6 yaml_2.1.18 rprojroot_1.3-2 digest_0.6.15
## [13] assertthat_0.2.0 tibble_1.4.2 glue_1.2.0 evaluate_0.10.1
## [17] rmarkdown_1.9 stringi_1.1.7 pillar_1.2.1 compiler_3.4.4
## [21] backports_1.1.2 foreign_0.8-69 pkgconfig_2.0.1